What happens if you’re successful?

If your application is successful you will be invited to attend one of our Development Days. There are 8 of these happening across the North and they are a brilliant opportunity for 25 shortlisted artists to get together for a full day of workshops, networking, professional mentoring and feedback which will help you to more fully develop your idea.

After this we will ask you to resubmit your idea, which goes to our Random Acts Commissioning Panel made up of industry professionals and leading artists who will choose the 24 artists for this year’s programme based on artistic merit.

If your application for a Random Acts commission is successful you will be need to attend a four day Talent Residential where you will be meet the other commissioned filmmakers and be assigned a Production Mentor to work closely with you and help guide you through the production process. Your film with then be placed on a Production Schedule as agreed with True North Productions, Channel 4 and Arts Council England.

You will work on your idea with the Random Acts North team, who will help you allocate your budget, schedule your film, find crew and equipment and all the facilities you might need.

You will shoot and edit your film with the help and guidance of professionals and True North Productions will deliver your film to Channel 4 in the formats they require. Channel 4 will then decide on which films to host on the Random Acts website and television programme. All participants in the programme will also be signposted to new creative opportunities and activities.

If selected you will need to commit to a demanding training, development and production programme that begins in the Summer of 2016 and concludes in early 2017. You will be supported throughout to make your film, but you will need to be prepared to commit time and energy to the project.

If you have any access requirements or needs that would prevent you from participating, please let us know and will work with you to accommodate these.

For more information on the programme or how to apply contact Scott Burrell on 0191 227 5509 or check out our website at www.randomactsnorth.org

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Apply now, download the application form or get in touch with us if you need further information.